Embed Node.js on Any Website

by Ross Boucher
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One of the coolest things about RunKit is the ability to run Node.js code, and even use any package on npm, without having to install anything at all. Once we had that working, we immediately knew that it could be useful in so many more ways than just powering runkit.com. That's why I'm excited to release the first embedded version of RunKit.

With one <script> tag, you can add a fully functional node environment to any web page. Your users can write and run code without leaving your website, complete with access to all of npm. Use it in your blog, or a presentation, or on any place else. Check it out!

var google = "https://storage.googleapis.com/maps-devrel/google.json" await require("async-get-json")(google)

Living Documentation

We're particularly excited about how this can help people transform their own documentation. There's no more reason to have "dead" examples on the page. Now you can bring them to life and let people actually experiment with your node library right within your docs.

There's also an API for getting/setting the source code, and for triggering an evaluation. You can read more about it in the docs.


Documentation is just one form of education, and we think this embedded version of Tonic will be great for people building web-based tools for teaching programming. If you're working in the education space, we'd love to talk to you about what kinds of tools you'd love to have in your classrooms, virtual or otherwise.

Of course, these are just a couple of examples, and we're excited to see what people will do. Please get in touch and let us know what you think!

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What is RunKit?

  • RunKit is an interactive playground for running Node.js in the cloud.
  • RunKit offers serverless functions with zero deploy time — prototype code changes in real time!
  • RunKit can be embedded in your tutorials and docs to make them interactive as seen on lodash.com, expressjs.com, and stripe.com.
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